Friday, October 30, 2009

Parks and Running

Not really too much art related news here, but today I just got a brand new pair of running shoes. BIG NEWS! I'm overly excited and felt it absolutely necessary to christen the shoes with a nice 10-miler through the park. Over my past couple running trips, I've paid special attention to the park trails, trees, and landscaping. Since the park that I recently painted in the "skyline piece" went so well, I feel especially drawn to the intricacies of the elaborate pathways running through these parks (pun intended). Maybe a start to a series of works involving parks? Too early to tell, but I can promise that I will keep posting my recent stuff.

I recently put up more artwork (nothing new, but rather items that would ship easier if a sale was made) on my page from After only a couple days, there is more comments and hype coming in from it. Exciting. Inspiring! Entertaining! HA! Take a look if you feel inclined to do so, but don't expect anything too special just yet: I have to credit Artbreak with a successful sale earlier this summer, so to any other artists, this is a simple FREE site you can utilize to get your name out there and possibly make some sales in the mean time! Lots of great artwork to browse on the site too!

My personal mental note for the day: Just Keep Running, Just Keep Running!

-Josh Grabowski

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